NBA宣传片-where amazing happens系列。背景音乐:carly comando - every day(钢琴曲) 配乐是一段淡雅疏朗的钢琴曲,令人倍感清新。这段曲子出自卡利·卡曼多(CarlyComando)之手,她是一位来自纽约布鲁克林的24岁女孩。实际上,这段钢琴曲并不是特意为NBA创造,而是一段网络视频的配乐。
歌手:Pitbull Ke$ha;
It's going down, I'm yelling timber, You better move, You better dance 我将要疯起来 高喊着“疯起来” 你最好扭起来 最好舞起来
Let's make a night you won't remember, I'll be the one you won't forget 让今夜疯得忘乎所以 我也会成为你永远忘不了的那个人
Whooa-oooh oooh oh oh oh oh 呜~~~
Whooa-oooh oooh oh oh oh oh 呜~~~
Whooa-oooh oooh oh oh oh oh 呜~~~
The bigger they are, the harder they fall these big-iddy boys, are dig-gidy dogs 他们玩心越大 迷得更深 那些狂热的趴体党们是真·夜兽
I have'em like Miley Cyrus, clothes off,Twerkin in their bras and thongs, timber 那些妞们学着麦莉·赛勒斯 脱掉衣服 穿着内衣跟丁字裤跳电臀
Face down, booty up, timber That's the way we like to-what?-timber 面朝地 臀朝下 扭呀 这才是咱们天不怕地不怕的态度
I'm slicker than an oil spillshe's say she won't, but i bet she will, timber 哥比别的家伙要有魅力 她这边否定着 不过我敢说她马上会打脸
Swing your partner round and round, End of the night, it's going down 拽着你的舞伴转啊转 舞到夜尽天明 全都狂舞起来吧
One more shot, another round, End of the night, it's going down!! 再干一杯 再喝一轮 就趁今夜未完 疯狂起来
Swing your partner round and round, End of the night, it's going down 拽着你的舞伴转啊转 舞到夜尽天明 全都狂舞起来吧
One more shot, another round, End of the night, it's going down!! 再干一杯 再喝一轮 就趁今夜未完 疯狂起来
It's going down, I'm yelling timber, You better move, You better dance 我将要疯起来 高喊着“疯起来” 你最好扭起来 最好舞起来
Let's make a night you won't remember, I'll be the one you won't forget 让今夜疯得忘乎所以 我也会成为你永远忘不了的那个人
Whooa-oooh oooh oh oh oh oh 呜~~~
Whooa-oooh oooh oh oh oh oh 呜~~~
Whooa-oooh oooh oh oh oh oh 呜~~~
look up in the sky, it's a bird it's a plane nah, it's just me aint a damn thing change 仰望天 那是只鸟 抑或是架飞机 不 那只是我 自始如一
Live in hotels, swing on planes, Blessed to say, money ain't a thing 居酒店 空中游 哥高兴地说 钱根本不是事
Club jumpin like lebron now, voli, Order me another round, homie 现在哥在夜店蹦跶如詹皇 亲 再帮我给下一场占个位
We about to clown. why?'cause it's about to go down 我们准备献丑了 为啥?因为马上是疯狂时间
Swing your partner round and round, End of the night, it's going down 拽着你的舞伴转啊转 舞到夜尽天明 全都狂舞起来吧
One more shot, another round, End of the night, it's going down!! 再干一杯 再喝一轮 就趁今夜未完 疯狂起来
Swing your partner round and round, End of the night, it's going down 拽着你的舞伴转啊转 舞到夜尽天明 全都狂舞起来吧
One more shot, another round, End of the night, it's going down!! 再干一杯 再喝一轮 就趁今夜未完 疯狂起来
It's going down, I'm yelling timber, You better move, You better dance 我将要疯起来 高喊着“疯起来” 你最好扭起来 最好舞起来
Let's make a night you won't remember, I'll be the one you won't forget 让今夜疯得忘乎所以 我也会成为你永远忘不了的那个人
Whooa-oooh oooh oh oh oh oh 呜~~~
Whooa-oooh oooh oh oh oh oh 呜~~~
Whooa-oooh oooh oh oh oh oh 呜~~~
Whooa-oooh oooh oh oh oh oh 呜~~~
Whooa-oooh oooh oh oh oh oh 呜~~~
Whooa-oooh oooh oh oh oh oh 呜~~~
Howard & Paul 霍华德和保罗
We gonna win, yea. Thats not me pride, thats me beleive it, thats me
beleive in myself and my teammates. Trust me, you guys whoever want the ring
and whoever been the champion. They beleive it, too. We are not here to lose.
Kobe & Oneal 科比和奥尼尔
There's so many emotions at the end of the season nobody likes to talk about it.. but one of them is fear. fear that you come this far and it could all end; but me.. I like the fear! It means I'm close It means I'm ready.
James & Garnett 詹姆斯和加内特
Our dream about wining it all since Im probably nine years old. I remamber the
same verb winning it all. I made my mind right there, that was gonna be me,
that I was gonna to be part of that.Some dreams fade over time,
but not this one.
Kidd & Nash 基德和纳什
After 82 games, theres part of you that wonder if you have anything left,
if you have anyhting more to give. But somehow from somewhere, you find it.
You dig deeper. You have to, because if you dont, you go home.
Fighter——NBA2002-03赛季的季后赛主题曲,来自Christina Aguilera 。
2011年季后赛TNT超震撼宣传片 Dominoes :
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